Arrest the person who stole wood in the forest

Y Long Nie, Y Tuen Nie, and Y Khuyen Hra were issued a decision to prosecute by the police of Buon Don district, Dak Lak, Vietnam for violations of the law.

The rangers discovered that a group of people were putting 5 wooden blocks on 3 elephants to transport them out of the forest.

This group of people ran away when they saw the authorities but were arrested.

Investigating, Buon Don district police determined, these 3 people, along with Y Khuyen Hra and Y Tuen Nie, entered this area to illegally exploit a cedar tree.

After illegal logging, this group hired 3 elephants to carry timber from home for consumption.

Y Long Nie was arrested, the remaining 4 people presented themselves to the police.

The case continues to be investigated and clarified, detective service in Ho Chi Minh City